Rabu, 26 September 2007

[temen nitip dagangan] bagi yang suka sulap, dan pengen bisa, ketahui trik2nya di sini! dijual murah! sangat murah!

ada barang bagus nii paaaak!
kalo kmu lagi mau ngdalamin sulap, terutama sulap kartu,
temen saya lagi promo trik2 sulap dari PenguinMagic.com nii..

bundel CD ini isinya paket koleksi kumpulan trik - trik sulap dari Penguinmagic.com yang berjumlah 80 judul..
nggak lupa temen saya itu ngasi bonus bagi pembeli yang membeli 1 paket ini.
buat melihat demo, klik aja link2 di belakang judul..

magic tricks


list daleman CD, trik2 yang diekspos..

01. 5 Forces - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=629
02. Aces in Their Faces - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=384
03. B-2 Bomber - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=754
04. Blizzard - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=382
05. Boa Coin Bender - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=744
06. Bottled Up - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=651
07. Brainwave - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=78
08. Buddha Money Mystery
09. Card on Ceiling - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=284
10. Card-Toon 2 - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=354
11. Cigarette Up The Nose - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=666
12. Coin Squeeze - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=392
13. Countdown - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=656
14. Crazy Cube - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=31
15. Cut and Restored Rope - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=628
16. Daley Show - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=631
17. Delirium - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=619
18. Do As I Do - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=621
19. Dough
20. Emerge Triumphant - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=794
21. Eye of the Tiger - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=935
22. Floating Dollar Bill - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=161
23. Hollow - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=391
24. Impossible Matrix - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=335
25. Invisible Deck
26. Jokers Wild - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=644
27. Kids Kards - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=899
28. Killer B - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=633
29. Killer Key
30. Long Distance Spinner - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=643
31. Loops - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=238
32. Mambo # 5 - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=655
33. Matrix - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=627
34. Mental Photography Deck - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=236
35. Mini Course in Watch Stealing
36. Misled - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=388
37. Mystery Card - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=620
38. Nemesis - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=864
39. NFW - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=23
40. No String Attached
41. One Handed Card Shuffle - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=639
42. Oreo Sandwich
43. Out of This World - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=659
44. Power Lunch - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=785
45. Presto Printo - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=442
46. Professor’s Nightmare - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=796
47. Pyro Penetration - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=709
48. Quantum Bandits - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=708
49. Quick Trick ! - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=611
50. Red Hot Mamacita - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=612
51. Redux - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=634
52. Renegade - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=649
53. Revolver - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=635
54. Ricochet - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=460
55. Rising Card Deck - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=250
56. Royale with Cheese
57. Scotch And Soda
58. Shotgun Aces - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=650
59. Slydini Silks
60. Snap Change - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=640
61. Splendid - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=1610
62. Sponge Ball
63. Stand Up Monte - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=410
64. Starry Eyed Surprise - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=613
65. Synergy - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=657
66. Tel-A-Vision - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=33
67. The Classic Force - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=929
68. The Closer - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=905
69. The Hitman - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=658
70. The Kicker - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=795
71. The Opener - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=892
72. The Ultimate Ace Assembly - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=636
73. Thought Foreseen - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=710
74. Thumb Tip
75. Torn but Not Forgotten - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=723
76. Transp-Oz-Ition - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=726
77. Triumph - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=630
78. Twisted Sisters - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=24
79. Two Dollar Window
80. Zip, Snap, and Inversion - http://penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=630

semuanyaa uda temen saya pukul rata!
cek aja di web PenguinMagic.com nya, satu biji tricknya
bisa nyampe $ 13.5 (sekitar 120000)!!! paraaahh!
itu baru satu trick.. lah ini, temen saya ngasi 1 bundel CD,
satu bundel CD ada 80 trik sulap yg marcihuy..
isinya trik smua, g ada bakwannya.. heehe..

uda lah! embat aja trik2 ini, cuma siapin duit sekitar 115000 perak..
masi sedikit lebih murah dibandingin 1 trik dari situs resminya doi..

worthed? abiiissss!!! uda lah murah sekali, dikasi BONUS lagi!
mo bonus ga? mau ga? pokoknya sapa yg jadi 20 org pembeli pertama,
bakal dikasi ini nih..


biar bisa sekalian buat latihan.. for FREE!!
hmmpph! makan tuuu! hhehehe..


oya, kl mo mesen, langsung aja kontak saya di
08998222270 ato ke 0817884882 ..
mo lewat onlen? blh! ym saya aja, rv_not_a_prince ..

uda ah! nguantug! huff..

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